About Me

Hi there! My name is Val, hence the blog name Val-ued Life. I am married and have two young boys. I’m a corporate librarian and I work at a high tech company in Silicon Valley. I’ve always wanted to write but I have lacked the self-confidence to put myself out there. I hope that the things I write here will be interesting to someone, hopefully more than one someone. I don’t purport to be a great writer or to always be grammatically correct when I write, so don’t expect it.

What am I trying to accomplish by writing this blog? It’s probably mostly selfish things. I want to put my thoughts down on “paper”. I want to brag about my kids. I want to find interesting things to post about that can entertain others, or at least myself. I want to ask myself questions and answer them. I want to challenge myself to do something that makes me slightly uncomfortable. That’s about it….for now.